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Feminine and Masculine in French

Masculine and Feminine


In French all nouns have a gender, either masculine or feminine. The articles agree with the nouns they refer too, so they also have a gender. Except for animals and humans, most of the time, gender is arbitrary. A table is feminine (la table), whereas the sun is masculine (le soleil).


  1. 1.    Articles:





Definite article


l’      in front of a vowel


l’          in front of a vowel

Indefinite article





2. The feminine of some masculine noun is obtained by adding an –e

F Example:

Un invité – une invitée (a guest)

Le marié – La mariée (the groom – the bride)

F Note: when the noun ends with –e  like:

Un colorant rouge (a red couloring/ masculine)

Une rose rouge (a red rose/ feminine)

Un collègue – une collègue (a colleague)


3.Sometimes, like in English, French masculine and feminine differ greatly from each other.

F Examples:

Le cheval – la jument (horse – mare)

Le mouton – la brebis (mutton – ewe)

La vache – le taureau ( cow – bull)

Le cochon – la truie (Pig – sow)

L’homme – la femme (man – woman)


4. Some feminine nouns follow another pattern when the masculine ends in:                         -f –p –x –eur –an -ion

F Examples:

Le scorpion – scorpionne (scorpio – male and female)

Le paysan – la paysanne (the peasant - male and female)

Un danseur – une danseuse (a dancer - male and female)

Le loup – la louve (the wolf – male and female)

Heureux – heureuse (Happy – male and female)


Neuf – neuve (new - male and female)




  1. 5.  Some nouns can only have one gender independently of their reference to a male or a female.

F Examples:

Un bébé – a baby

Une personne – a person

Un médecin – a docteur


6. Some words have a different meaning depending on whether they are masculine or feminine.

F Examples :

La mort – le mort ( death – the dead)

Le tour – la tour ( the trick – the tower)


7. Here is a list of masculine gender and feminine gender:


F Masculine gender:


ü  Colors

Le jaune (yellow)

Le bleu (blue)

Le vert (green)

Le rouge (red)

Le noir (black)

Le blanc (white)

Le gris (grey)



ü  Wines

Le champagne

Le bordeaux

Le beaujolais

Le sancerre

Le sauterne

Le riesling



ü  Languages               Le français


                                    Le japonais



                                    Le portuguais


F Feminine gender:



ü  nouns ending in –aille:

La pagaille (a mess)

Les Fiançailles (engagement)

La paille (straw)

ü  nouns ending in –eine:

la baleine (whale)

la peine (punishment)


ü  nouns ending in –aine:

La châtaigne (chesnut)

La haine (hatred)


ü  nouns ending in –aie:

La plaie (wound)

La monnaie (change)


ü  nouns ending in –ence:

Une agence (agency)

L’abstinence (abstinence)


 Find the feminine for the following sentences.

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