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The First Latin Example

This example refers to a podcast show called Nuntii Latini. It's a Finnish radio show where world events are read in classical Latin. The show is being described like this:

Nuntii Latini, conspectus rerum internationalium hebdomadalis, est programma Radiophoniae Finnicae Generalis (Yle) in terrarum orbe unicum.

The word "Yle" is actually the abbreviation of that broadcasting company. Translation of the above text to English is as follows:

Nuntii Latini (Latin News), a weekly overview of international affairs, is a product of the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle), the only one of its kind in the world.

Things to learn

With this simple example we can learn a lot! For example:

  • Nuntii Latini = Latin News
  • internationalium = international
  • Radiophoniae Finnicae Generalis = Finnish Broadcasting Company