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Ejercicios de Pronombres Personales y Estructuras en Inglés

1) Completa las siguientes frases con un ‘subject’ u ‘object pronoun’. Ten en cuenta las palabras subrayadas:

1- Sarah is my doctor. __She____  is new.

2- I know those children. I like ______.

3- That man is my boyfriend. I love ______ .

4- I always drink tea. I like  ______.

5- I know that old woman, but ______ doesn’t know ______.

6- John is the teacher. ______ helps us.

7- My girlfriend and I know that old man. He always talks to ______.

8- I write a letter every day. I write ______.

9- Tom and Peter are my friends. ______ go to the park every day.

10- That woman is beautiful. I like ______.


2) Completa las siguientes frases con un ‘subject’ u ‘object pronoun’:

1- I like him, but ___ he ___ doesn’t like ___ me ___.

2- They like me, but ______ don’t like ______.

3- We like them, but ______ don’t like ______.

4- She like him, but ______ doesn’t like ______.

5- They like her, but ______ doesn’t like ______.

6- I like them, but ______ don’t like ______.

7- He like us, but ______ don’t like ______.

8- You like her, but ______ doesn’t like ______.

9- I like you, but ______ don’t like ______.