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Medios de Transporte Marítimos Vocabulario en Inglés

A bordo Aboard
Amarras Moorings
Anclaje, Fondeo Anchorage
Astilleros Shipyard, Dockyard
Babor Port
Barco Boat
Barco grande, Buque Ship
Barco recreo Pleasure boat
Barco transbordador Ferry boat
Barcos de guerra Warships
Bote salvavidas Lifeboat
Brújula Compass
Buque mercante Merchant ship
Calma chicha Dead calm
Camarote Cabin
Canoa Canoe
Capitán Captain
Chaleco salvavidas Life jacket
Club náutico Sailing club
Compañía de navegación Shipping company
Con rumbo a Bound for
Crucero Cruise / Cruise ship
Cubierta Deck
Desembarcar(personas) To disembark
Dique Dike
Echar anclas, fondear, anclar To cast anchor, To drop anchor
Embarcaciones deportivas Sports boats
Embarcar (personas) Embark
Escotilla Scuttle
Estación marítima Marine station, Maritime station
Estribor Starboard
Faro Lighthouse
Flota Fleet
Guardacostas Coast guard ship
Hacer escala en un puerto To call at a port
Hacerse a la mar To put off
Hélice Propeller, Screw
Ir a la deriva To drift
Lancha Launch
Mar Sea
Marinero, Marino Sailor
Muelle Quay
Naufragio Shipwreck
Navegar To navigate
Pasaje clase turística Tourist class ticket
Piloto Mate
Popa Stern
Portaaviones Aircraft carrier
Proa Bow
Puerto Harbour, Port
Puerto de escala Port of call
Puerto pesquero Fishing harbour
Remo Oar
Remolcador Tug boat
Rompeolas Breakwater
Sala de maquinas Engine room
Salvamento Life saving
Señal de socorro Distress signal
Servicio regular Regular service
Submarino Submarine
Tempestad Storm
Timón Rudder
Transatlántico Passenger liner
Tripulación Crew
Velero Sailing ship
Yate Yacht