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Alimentos Generales Vocabulario en Inglés

Alimentación Feeding, food
Almorzar To have lunch
Almuerzo Lunch
Apetito Appetite
Asar To roast
Asar a la parrilla To broil
Beber To drink
Calentar To heat
Cantina Canteen
Carta de vinos Wine list
Cena Dinner, Supper
Cenar To have dinner
Cocer al horno To bake
Cocinar, Cocer To cook
Comedor Dining room
Comer To eat
Cortar To cut, to chop
Desayunar To have breakfast
Desayuno Breakfast
Descongelar To defrost
Entremés Hors d'oeuvre
Estofar, Guisar To stew
Freír To fry
Glotonería Gluttony
Hambre Hunger
Hervir To boil
Hora de cenar Dinnertime
Hora del almuerzo/de la comida Lunchtime
Hora del té Teatime
Libro de cocina Cookbook
Menú Menu
Merienda Afternoon tea
Merienda cena High tea
Nutrición Nutrition
Pausa para tomar un café Coffee break
Pelar To peel
Plato fuerte Main course
Poner la mesa To lay the table
Postre Sweet, Dessert
Preparar la comida To make lunch
Quitar la mesa To clear the table
Revolver To stir
Sed Thirst
Servir To serve
Servir la mesa To wait a table
Sopa Soup
Tener hambre To be hungry
Tener sed To be thirsty
Tentempié Snack