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Contracciones en Inglés

Aunque este en si no es un tema avanzado, a muchos hispanohablantes les cuesta trabajo el utilizar correctamente las contracciones en inglés.

Una contracción es una palabra o frase que ha sido acortada, al descartar una o más letras. En la escritura una apostrofe toma el lugar de las letras que faltan.

Dependemos de contracciones todo el tiempo en conversaciones normales. Como dice el escritor Ben Yogoda “En la conversación, hay una expectación de que cualquiera que no sea melindrosa o pretenciosa o este enfatizando un punto use contracciones, cuando sea posible”

Algunas personas tienen la impresión de las contracciones jamás deberían de aparecer en escrito, pero esta creencia está equivocada. El uso de contracciones está directamente relacionado al tono.  En la escritura informal (desde mensajes de textos, blogs, memos, y ensayos personales) Usualmente hacemos uso de contracciones para mantener el tono coloquial. In escritos más formales (reportes académicos, papeles oficiales) evitar usar contracciones es una forma de mantener un tono más formal.

Antes de decidir usar contracciones para un escrito, considere a su audiencia y propósito de su escrito.

Abajo encontrara, las contracciones más usadas en el idioma inglés.

Contracción Palabra completa.
aren't are not
can't cannot
couldn't could not
didn't did not
doesn't does not
don't do not
hadn't had not
hasn't has not
haven't have not
he'd he had; he would
he'll he will; he shall
he's he is; he has
I'd I had; I would
I'll I will; I shall
I'm I am
I've I have
isn't is not
let's let us
mightn't might not
mustn't must not
shan't shall not
she'd she had; she would
she'll she will; she shall
she's she is; she has
shouldn't should not
that's that is; that has
there's there is; there has
they'd they had; they would
they'll they will; they shall
they're they are
they've they have
we'd we had; we would
we're we are
we've we have
weren't were not
what'll what will; what shall
what're what are
what's what is; what has
what've what have
where's where is; where has
who'd who had; who would
who'll who will; who shall
who're who are
who's who is; who has
who've who have
won't will not
wouldn't would not
you'd you had; you would
you'll you will; you shall
you're you are
you've you have

A Practicar

You're, I'm

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