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Acampando - Lectura en Inglés

Stacey: I am really looking forward to the camping trip this weekend

Toni: Me too, I have never been to Devon before. I wonder what the camp site will be like? I have read about it online but you can never tell until you are there

Stacey: I need to start packing my things, I hope I don’t forget anything. What have you packed for the trip?

Toni: I have my tent of course, a sleeping bag and some clothes. I also have a first aid box in case anyone has an accident.

Stacey: Do you have plasters in your first aid box? My walking boots give me blisters

Toni: I have plasters, bandages and pain killers. If you wear two pairs of socks, it will stop you from getting blisters

Stacey: That’s a good idea I will remember to pack extra socks. I have my sleeping bag, tent and spare clothes. I am going to bring some warm clothes too, the last time we went on a camping trip the temperature dropped to three degrees it was so cold!

Toni: We are forecast mild weather over the weekend, although it is sensible to bring some warm clothes just in case.

Stacey: Are there showers at the camp site? Will I need to bring soap and a towel?

Toni: There is running water to drink but not showers on this camp site so you will not need to bring things for a shower. You will have to wait until you get home

Stacey: What kind of footwear do we need? I wore wellington boots last time but they were very hard to walk in

Toni: I think we should just both take our walking boots, bringing too many pairs of shoes will be heavy to carry. We already have to carry all of our equipment for the tent.

Stacey: I am glad they have drinking water at this camp site, carrying big bottles of water is hard work. I wish they had showers though

Toni: I hope the weather forecast is right and the weather stays nice. If it rains we will have to carry our heavy equipment through all of the mud.

Stacey: What time does the bus pick us up tomorrow?

Toni: The bus picks us up at 09.30am and we get to the campsite at 11am. Our friends will arrive at 11.30, I hope they can help us set up our tent

Stacey: Me too, last time it took us hours!