Abaisser (to lower) | Abandonner (to desert, abandon) | Abasourdir (to daze, bewilder) |
Abolir (to abolish) | Aborder (to approach, reach) | Aboutir (to succeed, end up) |
Abroger (to move) | Absoudre (to absolve) | Accabler (to overwhelm, overwhelm; to condemn) |
Accéder (to reach, attain; to accede to) | Accepter (to accept, take) | Acclamer (to cheer, acclaim) |
Accommoder (to use, prepare, combine) | Accompagner (to accompany) | Accomplir (to accomplish) |
Accoucher (to be in labor, to give birth) | Accourir (to hurry) | Accrocher (to hang (up)) |
Accroître (to increase) | Acculturer (to acculturate, help adapt to) | Accumuler (to accumulate) |
Accuser (to accuse) | Acheminer (to forward, dispatch, transport) | Acheter (to buy) |
Adapter (to adapt) | Adhérer (to adhere) | Admirer (to admire) |
Adopter (to adopt) | Adorer (to adore) | Adoucir (to make milder, smoother; to soften) |
Advenir (to happen) | Affecter (to affect) | Affermer (to rent, lease) |
Afficher (to post, exhibit) | Affliger (to afflict) | Agir (to act) |
Agrandir (to enlarge, make bigger) | Aider (to help) | Aimer (to like, love) |
Ajouter (to add) | Alimenter (to feed) | Aller (to go (simple conjugations)) |
Allécher (to make one's mouth water, tempt) | Alterner (to alternate) | Altérer (to alter, distort) |
Amuser (to amuse) | Améliorer (to improve) | Aménager (to fit) |
Anéantir (to annihilate; to overwhelm, wear out) | Animer (to lead, impel, encourage, liven up) | Annoncer (to announce) |
Apercevoir (to catch site of, to foresee) | Apporter (to bring) | Apprendre (to learn) |
Approuver (to approve of) | Apprécier (to appreciate) | Apprêter (to prepare s.o./s.t., get s.o./s.t. ready) |
Appuyer (to support, back; to lean on) | Arracher (to pull up/out) | Arranger (to arrange) |
Arroser (to water) | Arrêter (to stop; to arrest) | Aspirer (to inhale; to suck) |
Assaillir (to assail, attack) | Asseoir (to seat, to sit/set down) | Associer (to associate) |
Assouplir (to soften) | Astreindre (to compel, force) | Attaquer (to attack) |
Attarder (to make late) | Atteindre (to attain, reach) | Attirer (to attract) |
Attraper (to catch, pick up) | Attribuer (to attribute) | Attrister (to sadden) |
Augmenter (to increase, raise; to rise) | Autoriser (to authorize) | Avaler (to swallow) |
Avancer (to advance) | Avertir (to warn) | Avouer (to vow) |
Bagarrer (to fight, argue) | Bâcler ((inf) to botch; throw together) | Baigner (to bathe (someone else)) |
Baisser (to lower) | Balancer (to sway, swing, rock) | Barrer (to bar, block, close, cross out) |
Bâtir (to build) | Baver (to dribble, leak; (fam) to have a hard time) | Bégayer (to stammer, stutter) |
Bénir (to bless) | Blâmer (to blame) | Blanchir (to bleach, whiten) |
Blêmir (to pale) | Bleuir (to turn blue) | Boire (to drink) |
Bombarder (to bomb) | Bondir (to jump up, bounce) | Boucher (to cork, plug, block) |
Boucler (to buckle, fasten; to settle, complete) | Bouffer (to be full, have volume; (fam) to gobble) | Bouger (to move) |
Bourrer (to fill, stuff) | Bousculer (to bump into; to hurry; to liven up) | Branler (to shake, be shaky, loose) |
Briller (to shine) | Briser (to break, smash; to ruin; to tire out) | Bronzer (to tan) |
Brosser (to brush) | Broyer (to grind, crush) | Brunir (to darken, tan) |
Calculer (to calculate) | Captiver (to fascinate, captivate) | Caractériser (to characterize) |
Caresser (to caress) | Casser (to break) | Causer (to chat; to cause) |
Céder (to give up, cede; to dispose of) | Centraliser (to centralize) | Cerner (to encircle, surround) |
Certifier (to certify) | Cesser (to cease, stop) | Changer (to change) |
Charger (to load) | Châtier (to refine, perfect, (religion) to chasten, mortify) | Chatouiller (to tickle) |
Chauffer (to heat) | Chausser (to put shoes on; to fit) | Chercher (to look for) |
Chérir (to cherish) | Choisir (to choose) | Choquer (to shock, appall; to shake up) |
Chuchoter (to whisper) | Chuter (to fall, drop; to fail) | Circoncire (to circumcise) |
Citer (to quote, cite) | Claquer (to bang, ring out; to snap) | Clarifier (to clarify) |
Classer (to file, classify; to grade) | Cligner (to blink) | Clignoter (to blink, twinkle, flash, flicker) |
Clocher (to be defective, have something wrong (informal)) | Cloîtrer (to shut away, cloister) | Clore (to close, conclude) |
Cocher (to check off, tick; to notch, groove) | Coiffer (to do someone's hair) | Coincer (to wedge, jam; to catch s.o. out) |
Coller (to glue, stick, paste) | Combattre (to fight, combat) | Combler (to fill in; to fulfill, make up) |
Commander (to order) | Commencer (to begin, start, commence) | Commettre (to commit) |
Comparaître (to appear in court) | Complimenter (to compliment, congratulate) | Compliquer (to complicate) |
Compléter (to complete) | Composer (to select, form; to write, compose; to dial) | Comprendre (to understand) |
Concéder (to concede) | Concevoir (to conceive) | Conduire (to drive, lead, conduct) |
Confire (to conserve) | Connaître (to know, be familiar with) | Conseiller (to advise, recommend) |
Consentir (to consent) | Considérer (to consider) | Consoler (to console, soothe) |
Constater (to notice, record, certify) | Construire (to build, construct) | Contenir (to contain) |
Conter (to recount, relate, tell) | Continuer (to continue) | Contraindre (to force, compel) |
Contrôler (to control) | Convaincre (to convince) | Copier (to copy) |
Correspondre (to correspond) | Coudre (to sew) | Couper (to cut) |
Courber (to bend, bow) | Courir (to run) | Coûter (to cost) |
Couvrir (to cover) | Craindre (to fear) | Créditer (to credit) |
Créer (to create) | Creuser (to hollow, dig; to go into thoroughly) | Crever (to burst, puncture; to wear out) |
Crisper (to tense; to get on s.o.'s nerves) | Critiquer (to criticize) | Crocheter (to pick (a lock), to crochet) |
Croître (to grow) | Cueillir (to gather, pick) | Cuire (to cook) |
Culpabiliser (to make someone feel guilty) | Cultiver (to cultivate) | Cumuler (to do two things simultaneously) |
Daigner (to deign, condescend) | Danser (to dance) | Dater (to date (from), be outdated) |
Déballer (to unpack; to let out) | Débarquer (to unload; to land; to fire) | Débarrasser (to clear, rid (s.o.) of) |
Débattre (to debate) | Débrouiller (to untangle, sort out; to teach s.o. the basics) | Décerner (to give, award) |
Décevoir (to disappoint) | Décider (to decide) | Déclarer (to declare, announce) |
Déclore (to reopen, resume) | Déconfire (to be beaten) | Découdre (to unpick, take out stitches) |
Décourager (to discourage) | Décroître (to decrease) | Défiler (to unthread; to march, parade; to unwind) |
Définir (to define) | Déguiser (to disguise) | Déguster (to taste, sample, savor) |
Demander (to ask) | Déjeuner (to have lunch) | Délibérer (to deliberate) |
Déménager (to move (house)) | Démolir (to demolish) | Dénoncer (to denounce) |
Départir (to accord) | Dépeindre (to depict) | Déplacer (to move, shift; to displace; to transfer) |
Dépouiller (to persue; to skin, strip) | Déprimer (to depress) | Déprécier (to depreciate; to belittle) |
Dépêcher (to hurry) | Déranger (to disturb) | Dérober (to steal; to hide, conceal) |
Dérouler (to unwind, unroll) | Descendre (to go down, descend) | Désigner (to indicate, point out; to name, designate) |
Désirer (to desire, want) | Désobéir (to disobey) | Dessiner (to draw) |
Détacher (to untie, undo; to remove, detach; to dispatch) | Déteindre (to bleach, to leach) | Détester (to hate) |
Détourner (to divert) | Détruire (to destroy) | Devancer (to do s.t. ahead of s.o.) |
Devenir (to become) | Devoir (must, to have to; to owe) | Dicter (to dictate) |
Différer (to differ) | Dîner (to have dinner) | Dire (to say, tell) |
Disjoindre (to disconnect, separate) | Disposer (to arrange; to dispose s.o. to; to have) | Disputer (to dispute) |
Disséminer (to disseminate) | Dissiper (to dissipate) | Dissoudre (to dissolve) |
Distinguer (to distinguish) | Distraire (to distract; to amuse, entertain) | Diviser (to divide) |
Divorcer (to divorce) | Dompter (to tame, subdue) | Donner (to give) |
Dorer (to gild; to sweeten (figurative)) | Dormir (to sleep) | Doucher (to shower (someone/something else)) |
Douer (to endow s.o. with) | Douter (to doubt) | Dresser (to stand up, raise; to write (a list)) |
Durer (to last) | |
Ébranler (to shake; to weaken, compromise) | Écarter (to move apart, spread open) | Échanger (to exchange) |
Échouer (to fail) | Éclaircir (to lighten, brighten; to thin) | Éclater (to burst, explode; to break out; to shine) |
Éclore (to hatch) | Écouter (to listen to) | Écrire (to write) |
Effrayer (to frighten) | Égarer (to mislead, mislay) | Égayer (to entertain) |
Élever (to raise, bring up, rear) | Élire (to elect) | Embarquer (to embark, load; (fam) to steal) |
Embarrasser (to clutter, hinder, hamper, bother) | Embrasser (to kiss, embrace) | Émigrer (to emigrate) |
Emmener (to take) | Empreindre (to imprint) | Empêcher (to prevent) |
Encadrer (to frame; to train) | Enclore (to enclose) | Enfoncer (to thrust/stick/drive in; to break open) |
Énoncer (to express, state) | Enrichir (to enrich) | Entourer (to surround; to rally around) |
Entraîner (to carry along, drag; to lead; to cause) | Entreprendre (to undertake) | Entretenir (to look after, support, foster, keep alive) |
Envier (to envy) | Envoler (to take flight) | Envoyer (to send) |
Épeler (to spell) | Épouser (to marry) | Épreindre (to juice) |
Épuiser (to exhaust, tire out) | Équivaloir (to be equivalent to) | Espionner (to spy on) |
Espérer (to hope) | Essayer (to try) | Établir (to establish) |
Éteindre (to extinguish, snuff out) | Étonner (to astonish) | Étouffer (to suffocate, smother, choke) |
Étourdir (to stun, deafen, make dizzy) | Évaluer (to evaluate) | Éviter (to avoid) |
Exagérer (to exaggerate) | Exciter (to arouse, excite; to intensify) | Exclure (to exclude) |
Exécuter (to carry out, execute) | Exercer (to exercise (control), exert) | Expliquer (to explain) |
Exploiter (to work, exploit; to farm; to run, operate) | Exposer (to display, exhibit, show; to state) | Exprimer (to express) |
Fabriquer (to manufacture, fabricate) | Fabuler (to make up stories) | Fâcher (to make angry) |
Faciliter (to facilitate) | Façonner (to fashion, shape) | Faillir (to almost do; to lack, need) |
Farder (to put on make up; to dress up) | Fatiguer (to fatigue, tire) | Faucher (to reap, mow; to flatten) |
Favoriser (to favor) | Feindre (to feign) | Fendre (to split, cleave) |
Fesser (to spank) | Feuilleter (to leaf through) | Figurer (to represent, appear) |
Filer (to spin (out), extend; to shadow) | Filtrer (to filter, screen) | Finir (to finish) |
Flamber (to burn, blaze) | Flatter (to flatter) | Flirter (to flirt; to date) |
Flotter (to float, flutter) | Flâner (to stroll; to lounge around) | Foncer (to charge at/into; to darken; (inf) to rush) |
Fondre (to melt) | Fortifier (to fortify, strengthen) | Fouetter (to whip, lash) |
Fouiller (to dig deeply) | Fouiner (to snoop) | Fournir (to furnish, provide) |
Foutre (slang) (To do, give, put) | Frémir (to shudder) | Frire (to fry) |
Frissonner (to quake, tremble, shudder) | Frotter (to rub, scrape) | Fructifier (to bear fruit, be productive) |
Fuir (to flle) | Fuser (to gush, burst forth) | |
Identifier (to identify) | Ignorer (to be unaware of, to not know) | Illuminer (to light up, illuminate) |
Illustrer (to illustrate) | Imaginer (to imagine) | Imiter (to imitate) |
Immigrer (to immigrate) | Impliquer (to imply; to implicate, involve) | Implorer (to implore) |
Importer (to import, to matter, be important) | Imposer (to impose) | Impressionner (to impress) |
Imprimer (to print) | Inciter (to encourage, prompt, incite) | Incliner (to tilt; to tend towards, be inclined to) |
Inclure (to include) | Indiquer (to indicate) | Induire (to mislead) |
Inférer (to infer) | Initier (to initiate) | Inonder (to flood) |
Inquiéter (to worry) | Insister (to stress, be insistent) | Inspecter (to inspect) |
Inspirer (to inspire) | Installer (to set up, get settled) | Instruire (to instruct) |
Interdire (to forbid) | Interpréter (to interpret) | Introduire (to introduce, insert) |
Inventer (to invent) | Inviter (to invite) | Invoquer (to invoke) |
Irriter (to irritate) | Isoler (to isolate; to insulate) | |
Mâcher (to chew) | Maigrir (to lose weight, become thin) | Mandater (to appoint, commision) |
Manger (to eat) | Manifester (to show, indicate, demonstrate) | Manipuler (to manipulate) |
Manquer (to miss) | Maquiller (to make (someone else) up, put make-up on someone) | Marchander (to bargain, haggle) |
Marcher (to walk; to function, work) | Marier (to marry) | Marquer (to mark, indicate) |
Mastiquer (to chew, masticate; to putty) | Méconnaître (to put) | Menacer (to threaten) |
Mener (to lead) | Mentir (to lie) | Mériter (to merit, be worth) |
Mesurer (to measure) | Mettre (to put) | Modifier (to modify) |
Moduler (to modulate, inflect) | Moissonner (to harvest, reap) | Monter (to climb, go up) |
Montrer (to show) | Moudre (to mill, grind) | Mourir (to die) |
Munir (to provide, fit, equip) | Mystifier (to mystify) | |
Pâlir (to become pale, fade) | Parer (to prepare for, dress; to fend off) | Parfumer (to perfume, scent) |
Parier (to bet, wager) | Parler (to talk, speak) | Partager (to share) |
Partir (to leave) | Patiner (to skate) | Payer (to pay) |
Pédaler (to pedal; (inf) to hurry) | Peigner (to comb) | Peindre (to paint) |
Pendre (to hang) | Percer (to pierce) | Perdre (to lose) |
Perforer (to perforate) | Périr (to perish) | Personnifier (to personify) |
Persuader (to persuade) | Peser (to weigh) | Photocopier (to photocopy) |
Photographier (to photograph) | Pianoter (to tap, drum (one's fingers), to tinkle (at the piano)) | Piéger (to trap) |
Pincer (to pinch; to grip) | Placer (to put) | Planter (to plant; to put in/up) |
Pleurer (to cry) | Pleuvoir (to rain) | Plonger (to dive) |
Poser (to put) | Posséder (to possess) | Pouvoir (can, to be able) |
Précéder (to precede) | Précipiter (to precipitate) | Préciser (to specify, clarify) |
Prédire (to predict) | Préparer (to prepare) | Prescrire (to prescribe) |
Préserver (to preserve) | Présider (to preside) | Pressentir (to have a premonition) |
Prétendre (to claim) | Prévaloir (to prevail, overcome (formal)) | Priver (to deprive) |
Procéder (to proceed; to behave; to carry out) | Produire (to produce) | Progresser (to progresser) |
Projeter (to project) | Proscrire (to ban, prohibit) | Protéger (to protect) |
Provenir (to come from, be due to) | Publier (to publish) | Puer (to stink) |
Punir (to punish) | |
Raccommoder (to mend, repair) | Raccourcir (to shorten) | Raconter (to tell, recount) |
Rafraîchir (to cool, chill, freshen, refresh) | Ralentir (to slow down, slacken) | Ramener (to take back) |
Ranger (to arrange) | Rapprocher (to bring close/together; to compare) | Raser (to shave (someone else)) |
Rassembler (to gather, assemble; to collect) | Rassurer (to reassure) | Rater (to miss; to fail) |
Rationner (to ration) | Rattraper (to catch, recapture; to recover) | Ravager (to ravage, devastate) |
Recevoir (to receive) | Rechercher (to look for, seek) | Réciter (to recite) |
Réclamer (to ask for; to claim, demand; to complain) | Récolter (to harvest; to collect, gather) | Recommander (to recommend) |
Récompenser (to reward) | Réconcilier (to reconcile) | Reconduire (to renew) |
Recueillir (to collect) | Reculer (to move back/away, recede; to decline) | Rédiger (to write) |
Redouter (to dread, fear) | Redresser (to straighten; to set right) | Réduire (to reduce) |
Réfléchir (to reflect, think) | Refuser (to refuse) | Regarder (to look at, watch) |
Régler (to settle, sort out; to regulate) | Rejeter (to reject) | Relire (to reread) |
Remercier (to thank) | Remettre (to put back, replace) | Remoudre (to regrind) |
Remuer (to move, twitch) | Rencontrer (to meet) | Rendormir (to put back to sleep) |
Renforcer (to reinforce) | Rentrer (to return (home)) | Renverser (to knock over, overturn; to overcome) |
Renvoyer (to dismiss, fire) | Repartir (to restart, set off again) | Repeindre (to repaint) |
Répondre (to answer) | Repousser (to repel, repulse; reject, push away) | Reprendre (to retake, take again) |
Reprocher (to criticize) | Reproduire (to reproduce) | Répudier (to repudiate) |
Réserver (to reserve) | Résigner (to resign oneself) | Résister (to resist) |
Résonner (to resonate, reverberate) | Résoudre (to resolve) | Respirer (to breathe; to inhale; to exude) |
Ressembler (to resemble) | Ressentir (to feel, sense) | Restreindre (to restrict, limit) |
Résumer (to summarize) | Rétablir (to re-establish, restore) | Retarder (to delay, make late; to set back) |
Reteindre (to dye again) | Retomber (to fall again; to come down, collapse) | Retourner (to return) |
Retrouver (to find (again); to remember; to regain) | Réunir (to reunite) | Révéler (to reveal) |
Revenir (to come back) | Rêver (to dream) | Revêtir (to put on; to adorn) |
Rire (to laugh) | Rompre (to break) | Ronger (to gnaw at) |
Rouvrir (to reopen) | |
Sacrifier (to sacrifice) | Saigner (to bleed) | Saillir (to protrude) |
Sangler (to strap, girth) | Sangloter (to sob) | Satisfaire (to satisfy) |
Sauver (to save, rescue) | Savoir (to know) | Secourir (to help) |
Sélectionner (to select) | Sembler (to seem) | Semer (to sow, spread) |
Serrer (to grasp, squeeze) | Servir (to serve, to be useful) | Signaler (to signal) |
Signer (to sign) | Signifier (to signify, mean) | Simplifier (to simplify) |
Simuler (to simmulate) | Skier (to ski) | Soigner (to treat, look after, take care of) |
Songer (to dream) | Sortir (to go out) | Souffrir (to suffer) |
Souiller (to soil) | Soulager (to relieve, soothe) | Soumettre (to submit) |
Soupirer (to sigh) | Soupçonner (to suspect) | Sourire (to smile) |
Spécifier (to specify) | Stationner (to park) | Stimuler (to stimulate) |
Subir (to undergo; to be under the influence of) | Subvenir (to provide for) | Supporter (to support, endure) |
Supposer (to suppose, assume) | Supprimer (to delete; to suppress) | Surgir (to appear suddenly; to arise, crop up) |
Survenir (to occur, take place) | Susciter (to arouse, incite, provoke, create) | Suspendre (to hang, suspend) |
Tâcher (to try, endeavor to) | Tapoter (to pat, tap) | Taquiner (to tease) |
Tarder (to delay, take a long time) | Teindre (to dye) | Témoigner (to testify; to show, display) |
Tendre (to strain, to strive to(ward), to tighten) | Terminer (to end, terminate) | Tester (to test) |
Tirer (to pull) | Tisser (to weave) | Tolérer (to tolerate, put up with, allow) |
Tondre (to shear, mow) | Tordre (to wring, twist) | Tourner (to turn) |
Tousser (to cough) | Tracasser (to worry, bother, harass) | Tracer (to draw) |
Traiter (to treat) | Transcrire (to transcribe) | Transmettre (to transmit) |
Traverser (to cross) | Tressaillir (to shudder) | Tricher (to trick, cheat) |
Tromper (to deceive, trick, mislead) | Trouver (to find) | Tuer (to kill) |
Tutoyer (to use "tu," address someone as "tu") | |