El Clima - Vocabulario Latín
nubes | nube |
nebula | niebla |
ros | rocío |
pruina | escarcha |
fulmen | rayo |
pluvia | lluvia |
arcus | arco iris |
nix | nieve |
tempestas | tormenta |
tonitrus | trueno |
ventus | viento |
Linguim.com allows you to learn new languages completely free of charge. Choose a language and start learning!
nubes | nube |
nebula | niebla |
ros | rocío |
pruina | escarcha |
fulmen | rayo |
pluvia | lluvia |
arcus | arco iris |
nix | nieve |
tempestas | tormenta |
tonitrus | trueno |
ventus | viento |