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The German alphabet and pronunciation rules

The alphabet

The German alphabet has the exact 26 letters which the English alphabet has:


Apart from these letters, German has some other special letters. First of all, some letters can be written with umlaut and these are

ä Ä

ü Ü

ö Ö

It is very common to write the vowels with umlaut in the following case. This can be necessary especially if these letters do not appear on the keyboard:

 ä: ae

 ü: ue

 ö: oe

Another letter which is peculiar to German is the special s sound, i.e. “ß”, which is called “scharfes s” or eszett in German. This letter sounds like “ss”. The letter “ß” never comes at the beginning of a word.

Thus, together with these four additional letters, German has 30 letters totally.

The pronunciation

Good news is that German is spoken as it is written, in a broad sense at least. By learning a few pronunciation rules, you can pronounce German words easily.

These are the letters you need to pay special attention when pronouncing:

v: it’s pronounced as “f”

j: it’s pronounced as “y”. You surely know what “ja” is. In German, “j” is pronounced always as y.

s: it’s pronounced as “z”

z: as “ts”

w: as “v” in English

ä: it’s pronounced as “e” like “get” in English

ö: similar to “i” in the word “girl”

ü: this sound does not have an equivalent or a similar sound in English.

Paired vowels and consonants

In German, certain combinations of some letters are pronounced always the same. Therefore, it is a good idea to notice these combinations so that you can pronounce an unknown German word correctly as well.

These combinations are as follows

ei: it’s pronounced as in English “eye”

sch: it’s pronounced as it’s pronounced as “sh” is pronounced in English, as in “show”

ie: it’s pronounced as ”eeh” is pronounced in English

ck: it’s pronounced as “k” is pronounced in English

au: it’s pronounced as “ow”

tsch: as “ch” in chair. Example: “deutsch



Words related to alphabet, spelling, pronunciation and words

Das Aphabet / das ABC the alphabet

Der Buchstabe the letter

buchstabieren to spell

die Aussprache the pronunciation

aussprechen to pronounce

Wie spricht man Ihren Namen aus? How is your name pronounced?

Der Zungenbrecher tongue twisters

Das Wort word

Fixed expressions with “word”

mit einem Wort in short

mit anderen Worten in other words

jemand hat das Wort  it’s someone’s turn to speak

für jemanden ein gutes Wort einlegen to talk nice about someone

das große Wort haben to talk the most

zu Wort kommen to be allowed to talk

jemandem das Wort erteilen to allow someone to talk

jemandem ins Wort fallen to interrupt someone when speaking

das Wort ergreifen to start to talk about something



Tongue twisters are a good way to challenge yourself in the pronunciation of a new language. Practice with the following German tongue twisters

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