Conjugation of Verbs ending in -ać
- Pamiętasz jej imię? Ja nie pamiętam.
- Kunegunda.
- Jak to pamiętasz?
- Często powtarzam jej imię.
"Do you remember her name? I don't remember."
"How do you remember?"
"I often repeat her name."
- Znasz piosenkarza Marka Grechutę?
- Nie, dlaczego?
- Uwielbiam go. Kocham jego piosenki!
- A znasz piosenkarkę Halinę Frąckowiak?
- Tak, znam ją. Dobrze śpiewa!
- Zgadzam się!
"Do you know the singer Marek Grechuta?"
"No. why?"
"I adore him. I love his songs!"
"And do you know the singer Halina Franckowiak?"
"Yes, I know her. She sings well."
"I agree!"
- Śpisz?
- Jeszcze nie.
- Więc piszesz esej na jutro?
- Nie, teraz ja i mój kolega gramy w World of Warcraft.
- Ale mamy esej na jutro, co nie?
- A ty piszesz esej?
- Nie, oglądam telewizję.
"Are you sleeping?"
"Not yet"
"So you're writing an essay for tomorrow?"
"No, now I and my friend are playing World of Warcraft."
"But we have an essay due tomorrow, right?"
"So you're writing an essay?"
"No, I'm watching TV."
- Witam Pana i zapraszam do środka.
- Z przyjemnością. To Pani pies tak szczeka?
- Przepraszam. Zwykle śpi.
- To nic. Kocham psy.
"Welcome, Sir. Please come in."
"With pleasure. Ma'am, is it your dog barking so much?
"I'm sorry. Usually he sleeps."
"It's no problem. I love dogs.
adverbs |
do środka |
inside: into the house |
dobrze |
well; fine; O.K. |
tak |
so; so much |
conjunctions |
a |
and; but |
ale |
but |
i |
and; together with |
idioms/expressions |
co nie? |
right?; is it right? |
to nic |
it's no problem |
z przyjemnością |
with pleasure |
nouns |
drzwi (always plural) |
door |
esej |
essay |
film |
movie |
gazeta |
newspaper |
gość (masculine!) |
guest |
goście (plural) |
guest |
imię |
first name |
kot |
cat |
koty (plural) |
cats |
magazyn |
magazine |
nic |
nothing |
okno |
window |
pies |
dog |
piosenka |
song |
piosenkarka |
singer (woman) |
piosenkarz |
singer (man) |
piosenki (plural) |
songs |
psy (plural) |
dogs |
telewizja |
TV; television |
possessive pronouns |
jego |
his |
jej |
her |
question words |
dlaczego? |
why? |
time expression |
ciągle |
all the time |
często |
often |
jeszcze |
still |
jeszcze nie |
not yet |
jutro |
tomorrow |
zawsze |
always |
zwykle |
usually |
verbs |
czekać (na + biernik) |
wait (for + accusative) |
czytać |
to read |
grać |
to play |
kochać |
to love |
oglądać |
to watch |
otwierać |
to open |
pamiętać |
to remember |
pisać |
to write |
powtarzać |
repeat |
przepraszać |
to be sorry |
spać |
to sleep |
szczekać (na + biernik) |
to bark (at + accusative) |
śpiewać |
to sing |
uwielbiać |
to adore |
witać |
to welcome |
zamykać |
to close |
zapraszać |
to invite |
zgadzać się (na + biernik) |
to agree (to + accusative) |
znać |
to know |
Although "chować się" most often is used meaning "to hide oneself", there are times when the meaning is "to be brought up", like in the example:
Jak się dzieci chowają?
Dobrze się chowają u dziadków?
How are the childrens growing up?
Are they growing up fine with grandparents?
Declination of GOŚĆ and GOŚCIE:
gość -> (witam) gościa
goście -> (witam) gości
ja |
zgadzam się |
ty |
zgadzasz się |
on/ona |
zgadza się |
my |
zgadzamy się |
wy |
zgadzacie się |
oni/one |
zgadzają się |
Exercise 1: Conjugate each verb with each pronoun:
czytać, grać, oglądać, otwierać, powtarzać, szczekać, śpiewać, zamykać, zgadzać się
Exercise 2: Translate the sentences:
1. He's reading a newspaper, and she's reading a magazine.
2. Are you singing the song? (singular)
3. They are playing.
4. Do you agree? (plural)
5. We're watching a movie.
6. The dog often barks.
7. I close the window all the time.
8. My friend (masc.) always opens the window.
9. My friend (fem.) loves cats.
10. I repeat it => I remember it.
Irregularly Conjugated Verbs with -ać
ja |
piszę |
ty |
piszesz |
on/ona |
pisze |
my |
piszemy |
wy |
piszecie |
oni/one |
piszą |
ja |
śpię |
ty |
śpisz |
on/ona |
śpi |
my |
śpimy |
wy |
śpicie |
oni/one |
śpią |
Exercise 3: Finish conjugating either the verb "pisać" or the verb "spać".
2. Adam? Ś______?
5. Co wy p________?
6. Oni nie ś________, tylko p______ esej.
7. Moja koleżanka też nie ś______.
I |
ja |
mnie |
you (singular) |
ty |
cię, ciebie |
he; it |
on |
jego [niego] |
she; it |
ona |
ją [nią] |
it |
*ono (to) |
je [nie] |
we |
my |
nas |
you (plural) |
wy |
was |
they |
oni |
ich [nich] |
they |
one |
je [nie] |
Pronoun "ono" is a pronoun of neuter case, however it is rarely if ever used in modern Polish language, but the pronoun "je" may be used when the object of the sentence is gramatically neuter gender.
Pronouns "on" and "ona" can be used in place of masculine and feminine nouns, respectively. Therefore, "gazeta" is "ona", and "laptop" is "on".
Pronoun "oni" can only be used toward a group of people with at least one man. The pronouns for groups with only women is "one". The pronoun "one" can be also used in place of non-human objects, like animals and things (regardless of their grammatical gender).
The difference between "ciebie" and "cię" is simple. The "cię" is a standard accusative form, however if a speaker would like to put an extra importance to the "cię", then he or she says "ciebie". It looks like this:
Pamiętam cię.
Pamiętam ciebie.
I remember you.
I remember YOU!
However, recently "ciebie" is commonly used as a formality, making Polish language teachers's community rather upset at the level of education of certain individuals.
Third person pronouns (on, ona, ono, oni, one) have a special form in accusative case if they are followed by the preposition. That form, starting with "n" is included in the brackets next to the standard form.
Exercise 4: Change underlined words into pronouns.
1. Pamiętam Adama.
2. Zamykam drzwi.
3. Otwieram laptop.
4. Uwielbiasz Annę?
5. Znam Renatę i Marię.
6. Śpiewa piosenkę.
7. Kocham Roberta i Łukasza.
8. Mam lusterko.
Exercise 5: Based on nominative pronouns and words, create accusative pronouns.
1. Pamiętam ________ (ty)
2. Kochasz _______ (ja)?
3. Przepraszam _______ (wy)!
4. Witają _______ (my).
5. Zapraszamy _________ (ty i kolega).
Exercise 6: Change underlined words into pronouns. Mind that they follow the preposition "na".
1. Czekają na Sylwię.
2. Pies szczeka na Andrzeja i Zbigniewa.
3. Zgadzasz się na kota?
4. Czekamy na Anetę i Bożenę.
GRAĆ is a verb that is always followed by one of the two possible prepositions. Either "w" when playing a game, or "na" when playing a musical instrument. The first preposition requires the accusative case, but "na" requires the instrumental case that will be introduced in later chapters.
Common Games:
*bakarat |
baccarat |
baseball |
baseball |
domino |
dominoes |
futbal |
soccer |
futbol amerykański |
football |
golf |
golf |
hokej |
hockey |
karty (plural) |
cards (games) |
koszykówka |
basketball |
ping-pong |
table tennis |
*poker |
poker |
siatkówka |
volleyball |
szachy (always plural) |
chess |
tenis |
tennis |
Poker and Baccarat, as well as other card games are alive in Polish language, since grammatically they are being declined as the masculine animate nouns (same as people and animals):
Gramy w bakarata.
Grają w pokera.
NOT Gramy w bakarat.
NOT Grają w poker.