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Object and reflexive pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns

Direct object pronouns

These pronouns are used when the subject of a sentence receives the action of the verb directly.

You can understand what this means if we make a comparison between similar sentences in English and in Spanish.

  • I have the book.
  • I have it

In the sentences above “it” is called the direct pronoun. These sentences can be said in Spanish as follows

  • Tengo el libro.
  • Lo tengo.

“It” in Spanish has two versions. For example, instead of  book, use letter:

  • Tengo la carta (I have the letter)
  • La tengo (I have it)

So, you translate both “lo tengo” and “la tengo” as “I have it” to English. The difference is that in Spanish "it" needs to agree with the object it refer to. In the first sentence “libro” is the object. Because it is masculine Spanish noun, i.e. el libro, we need to use “lo”. The object of the second sentence is carta, and it is a feminine noun, that’s why we need to use “la”.

Note also that the object pronouns come immediately before the verb, so you have to say lo/la tengo, not tengo lo/la.

If the object of the sentence is plural, you will use los or las. Otherwise, the same rules hold.

  • Tengo los libros (I have the books)
  • Los tengo (I have them)


  • Tengo las cartas (I have the letters)
  • Las tengo (I have them)

You can use object pronouns also in cases where the object is a person, not a thing as opposed to the above examples. Let’s take a English sentence as an example again

  • I see Carlos
  • I see him

In this sentence, the object pronoun is him. In Spanish, you would say

  • veo Carlos
  • lo veo

or if the object is a female;

  • veo Sandra (I see Sandar)
  • la veo (I see her)

Thus, if the object pronouns refer to singular or plural third person, lo/los or la/las is used, in agreement with the gender.

Let’s take another example.

  • te conozco (I know you)
  • me conoces (You know me)
  • nos conoces (You know us)
  • os conozco (I know you)

Below all direct object pronouns are summarized:







Indirect object pronouns

Indirect object pronouns are used when a person receives the action of the verb indirectly. They answer the question to whom? They are summarized below







In Spanish, there is a special group of verbs which can be used always with indirect object pronouns. We have a dedicated lesson on them: verbs like gustar.

Reflexive pronouns

They look like very much the same as indirect pronouns other than les and les. Instead of them “se” is used. They are summarized below. These pronouns are used with reflexive verbs.You can read about their conjugation in lesson reflexive verbs.







Possessive adjectives

In Spanish, possessive adjectives are called

mi mis my (singular, plural)

tu tus your (singular, plural)

su sus his/her/your (singular, plural)

nuestro(a)  nuestros(as) our (singular, plural)

vuestro(a) vuestros(as) your (singular, plural)

su sus   their/your (singular, plural)


Mi casa es pequeña my house is small

Mis casas son pequeñas my houses are small.

Tu casa es pequeña your house is small

Tus casas son pequeñas your houses are small

Su casa es pequeña his/her house is small

Sus casas son pequeñas his/her houses are small                

! In case of nuestro and vuestro, adjective must agree with the gender

Nuestra casa es pequeña our house is small

Nuestras casas son pequeñas our houses are smallb


Nuestro libro es nuevo our book is new

Nuestros libros son nuevos our books are new

Because libro is masculine and casa is feminine.

Su casa es pequeña their house is small.

Sus casa son pequeñas their houses are small

Possessive pronouns

They are similar to possessive adjectives. Note that in Spanish they are used together with the definite articles.


el mío / la mía

los míos / las mías


el tuyo / la tuya

los tuyos / las tuyas

his, hers, yours

el suyo / la suya

los suyos / las suyas


el nuestro / la nuestra

los nuestros / las nuestras


el vuestro / la vuestra

los vuestros / las vuestras

theirs, yours

el suyo / la suya

los suyos / las suyas


Mi casa es nueva. My house is new.

La mía es nueva Mine is new.

La tuya es vieja Yours is old

La suya es grande His/hers/yours is big

La nuestra es pequeña Ours is small

La vuestra es nueva yours is new

La suya es blanca yours is white


Colors in Spanish

negro/-a black

blanco/-a white

rojo/-a red

morado/-a purple

amarillo/-a yellow

verde: green

lila lilac

naranja orange

marrón brown

rosa pink

violeta violet

Let's Practice

Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun.

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