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Review of basic Spanish verbs

In this lesson, we will go through the essential Spanish verbs which you should already know as s student who are ready to head for more intermediate topics.

Many of the following verbs were highlighted in previous sections already. Where appropriate, links to previous lessons will be provided.


One of the most essential Spanish verbs is hacer, which we did not bring into spotlight before. The primary meaning of “hacer” is to do or to make

For example;

  • ¿qué haces? what are you doing?
  • hacer deporte to do sport
  • hacer deberes to do homework
  • hacer amigos to make friends

On the other hand, hacer has other application areas. One of the most important ones is its use to describe weather.

  • ¿qué tiempo hace? What is the weather like?

When answering this question you will use hacer again;

  • hace frío it’s cold

Similary, you can say hace sol (it’s sunny), hace viento (it’s windy), hace calor (it’s warm).

Learn also the following verbs in the context of weather:

llover: to rain

nevar: to snow

tronar: to thunder

To express that it’s raining/snowing/thundering, you simply use the corresponding verbs in the third person singular form: llueve, nieva, truena.

ser, estar

The two important verbs ser and estar were handled in the previous lessons in detail so that we will not cover them anymore in this lesson. You should refer to lesson ser and estar so that you can start from a good point for learning them.


The primary meaning of tener is to have.

  • ¿tienes dinero? Do you have money?

On the other hand, it is used in many other cases as well. For example, it can be used to describe people physically, which is covered in the corresponding lesson.

Another important application of tener is to express the age

  • tengo 30 años I’m 30 years old

Tener is used to express obligations in Spanish when it is used with que. It has also many fixed expressions. For example “tener ganas de” means to feel like. You may find other common expression in lesson expressing necessities in Spanish.

verbs related to meals

desayunar: to have breakfast

almorzar: to have lunch

merendar: to have snack

cenar: to have dinner

Spanish verbs similar to English verbs

The two languages have many verbs in common. Most of them was handled in lesson English-Spanish cognates. Some of the Spanish verbs which looks like some English verbs are not true cognates. They were handled in lesson false friends.

Other essential Spanish verbs

trabajar: to work

querer: to want

desear: to desire

enseñar: to teach

estudiar: to study

aprender: to learn

probarse: to try on

probar: to taste

leer: to read

escribir: to write

descansar: to rest

ducharse: to take a shower

creer: to think

paracer: to seem

enojarse: to get angry

gastar: to spend money

asistir: to attend

conocer: to know

preferir: to prefer

saber: to know

ver: to see

ir: to go

salir: to leave

quitar: to remove

sentir: to feel

venir: to come

vender: to sell

comprar: to buy

regresar: to return

explicar: to explain

encontrar: to find

entender: to understand

esperar: to hope, to wait for

secar: to dry

ayudar: to help

terminar: to finish

hablar: to speak

practicar: to practice

estacionar: to park

volver: to turn

estornudar: to sneeze

toser: to cough

fumar: to smoke

preguntar: to ask

poner: to put

poder: to be able to

comer: to eat

parar: to stop

manejar: to drive

mirar: to look, to watch

llamarse: to be named

llamar: to call

interesar: to interest

gustar: to appeal

caminar: to walk

comenzar: to start

pagar: to pay

levantarse: to get up

contester: to answer

comprender: to understand

cerrar: to close

odiar: to hate

cocinar: to cook

encantar: to love

limpiar: to clean

jugar: to play

olvidar: to forget

beber: to drink

llegar: to arrive

llorar: to cry

besar: to kiss

llevar: to bring

levantar: to raise

funcionar: to function

lastimarse: to hurt

decir: to say

bailar: to dance

ganar: to win, to earn

cortar: to cut

abrir: to open

escuchar: to listen

acostarse: to go to bed

despertarse: to wake up

dar: to give

calentar: to heat up

añadir: to add

afeitarse: to shave

prestart: to borrow

cambiar: to change

conducer: to drive

llenar: to fill

volar: to fly

vivir: to live